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CLIMWAT 2. for CROPWAT Giovanni Munoz and Jurgen Grieser FAO of the UN, Viale delle Terme from a reference surface Reference Manual Version 3.1 January, CLIMWAT provides long-term monthly mean values of seven climatic parameters, namely: • Mean daily maximum temperature in °C. IRRIGATION WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CLIMWAT : A Climatic Database 49 ( manual and diskettes ) . CROPWAT : A computer program for irrigation planning and CLIMWAT (2018a) CLIMWAT 2.0. CLIMWAT (2018b) CLIMWAT 2.0. Engineers USACO (2000) Hydrologic modeling system HEC–HMS, technical reference manual. CLIMWAT is published as Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 49 in 1994 and includes a manual with description of the use of the database with CROPWAT. farmers practicing manual farming using family labor for crop production. in combination with the CLIMWAT database,8 which includes monthly average CLIMWAT is a climatic database to be used in combination with the computer program CROPWAT. and allows the calculation of crop water requirements, Application Examples CLIMWAT has been applied in numerous irrigation management projects in various countries . ( Manual and diskettes ) .
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